ReAnn Martin

Mixed Media Artist. Creator of ALL the things

About ReAnn

As a Neurodivergent, my mind is a never-ending rollercoaster ride. I can be overly critical of everything I do, often setting unrealistic goals or expectations of myself. As a result, I’ve never really considered myself crafty or artistic. I would obsess over perceived flaws in anything I attempted to make and eventually, give up. This held me back from REALLY trying for so many years. 2020 presented an opportunity to give creating a real chance. To learn to find beauty in flaws and appreciate each piece as a work of art.  Once I dipped my toes into the handmade world, I was hooked! We all have a Maker, within. We just have to give them a chance to stretch their legs and go!

ReAnn’s Work

ReAnn’s Business

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